“Green goods” Innovation: Developing Environmental Products for the China Consumer

When and Where

  • 26/07/2017
    7:30 pm-9:00 pm

  • 3ESPACE 公益创新空间
    Jiaodaokou Nan Dajie, Xinhua Wenhua Mansion, 5th Floor
    (get map)

“Green goods” Innovation: Developing Environmental Products for the China Consumer

Event Details

In a panel format, Thomas and Yann will speak about their real life experience starting “Green Good” companies in China – selling products and services that would make the lives of Chinese consumers easier, safer, healthier, and cleaner.

Have you ever faced environmental and health challenges of living in China and became interested in starting your own company to make lives easier? Have you ever had a great idea for a product, or an app, or a service that you felt would make the lives of everyday Chinese people and safer? In this event, we are proud to present a pane of two entrepreneurs who did exactly this: they saw a challenge and they decided to do something about it. In a panel format, Thomas and Yann will speak about their real life experience starting “Green Good” companies in China – selling products and services that would make the lives of Chinese consumers easier, safer, healthier, and cleaner. What inspired them to start their companies? How did they innovate to develop products for the China market? How did they educate the consumer public and encourage adoption of environmental life-style products?

你有没有面对生活在中国的环境和健康挑战? 你有兴趣创立自己的公司,创新环保产品手机应用或服务,觉得会使日常中国人的生活更安全健康?我们很自豪地提出了这周 的 北京 能源网 活动 ,两个企业家的窗格:他们看到了机会,他们决定创业 。以面板格式,Thomas和Yann将会介绍他们在中国开展“绿色产品”公司的现实体验 – 销售可以使中国消费者生活更轻松,更安全,更健康,更清洁的产品和服务。什么启发他们创业 梦想?他们如何创新,为中国市场开发产品?他们如何教育消费者,鼓励采用环保生活方式的产品?

** Homework (作业) **

What the heck is Smart Air? Check out this article in Forbes or this short intro + test demo on

什么叫Smart Air? 可以看看这篇福布斯报道或者这个优酷上的介绍+现场测试

AirVisual:霾困之下,你需要的不仅仅只是几个段子和一台空气净化器 | 创业: http://cn.technode.com/post/2017-01-18/airvisual/

One day in the life of a suffocating planet – as it happened: https://www.theguardian.com/cities/live/2017/feb/13/urban-air-pollution-around-the-world-today-live

Thomas Talhelm | Founder of Smart Air

Thomas Talhelm is an Assistant Professor of Behavioral Science at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. Thomas also founded Smart Air, a social enterprise that makes low-cost DIY air purifiers to help people protect themselves from air pollution. Thomas has lived in China for five years as a Princeton in Asia fellow, as a freelance journalist in Beijing, and most recently as a Fulbright scholar. He researches how rice farming gave southern China a very different culture from wheat-farming northern China.

Thomas Talhelm是芝加哥大学Booth商学院行为科学助理教授。他2013年建立了Smart Air社会企业。Smart Air做简单Smart空气净化器和教育沙龙让更多面临雾霾的人呼吸安全的空气。Thomas在中国呆过5年,作为Princeton in Asia教师、自有记者和Fulbright学者。他在心理学领域研究中国南北文化差异和南方历史上种水稻的关系。

Yann Boquillod | CEO of AirVisual

Yann Boquillod is the founder of AirVisual, a Beijing-based social enterprise using big data to bring a novel approach to tackling the air pollution problem. Having lived in China for nearly two decades, Yann decided to bring his 19 years of experience working with big data in the tech industry to address the air quality crisis. Earlier this year AirVisual released the Node, an innovative air pollution monitor that measures PM2.5 and CO2 indoors and out. Beyond China, these are being used by civilians around the world to contribute data to the global air monitoring network, helping raise awareness of air pollution worldwide.

来自法国的Yann在北京创立了AirVisual,一个用大数据改变空气质量的社会企业。在中国生活近20年后,拥有19年大数据工作背景的Yann决定投入到空气治理中。 “我在中国待了18年,还记得1998年第一次来北京时,我抠鼻子时候发现都是黑的,但没有人在关注雾霾。2009年,我的两个孩子出生了,那时我开始重视空气质量。2012年的时候,美国大使馆开始发布PM2.5指数,我们才发现雾霾真的存在!我希望给所有的孩子最健康的生活环境,这就是为什么我们团队创立了AirVisual Node空气质量检测仪和AirVisual app空气质量app。我们希望这些数据可以帮助大家保护好自己和家人的健康。


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