New Chinese Learning Platform, Amanda App, Brings You China’s Monthly Top 5 Trending Stories
China | Trending | Stories
Following Chinese news can be tough for a beginner, and even advanced Chinese learners may have some difficulty wading through so many posts on Weibo, Wechat, and numerous online forums (贴吧). Project Pengyou brings a new guest poster, Amanda App, a new Mandarin learning platform which collects and translates news stories from the Chinese web to help you practice your Chinese on the go!
Reading through Amanda’s top trending stories each month will not only help you keep your Chinese skills sharp, but also help you keep your finger on the pulse of what’s going on in Chinese pop-culture!
Read below to see what news stories were most popular in July, and be sure to download and test out Amanda App.
1. In China, #LoveWins #LoveWins在中国
Both Western and Chinese social media reacted strongly to the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on gay marriage. You’ve seen all the Facebook profile photos change as a result, but did you know that DiDi DaChe (an Uber-like app in China) even paid tribute to the news? Their taxi icons were changed to rainbow icons.
Source: Amanda contributor via Wechat moments
2. Activists Spend 500,000 RMB Saving Dogs Ready For Slaughter | 志愿者花50万人民币买狗救狗
11 volunteers descended on a slaughterhouse in Yulin, famous for its “Dog Meat Festival”, and rescued 1381 dogs with a cost of over 500,000 RMB. Throughout the night, the workers spent 30 hours transporting the animals to a protection center in Gaoyou, where the activists had heard that the 400 dogs accommodated there last year faired well with the help of a local temple and other volunteers.
3. Student Comes Out Of The Closet At Graduation Ceremony | 学生在毕业典礼出柜
A 22-year-old student of Sun Yat-sen University who came out during graduation has gained the support of the university’s president and her classmates. Wan Qing made the announcement during the ceremony while sporting a rainbow flag, which she said was an impromptu and natural expression. Although her Weibo account has since increased its fanbase by over 5000, Wan Qing still hasn’t informed her non-web-savvy parents.
4. Jianbing Stand in America | 美国的煎饼果子摊

Alisa Grandy, who first tried the Chinese Crepe, Jianbing, when she went to China last year, has brought the traditional snack food with her back to America. After returning home, she learned how to make them through videos online at the end of last year, and opened a Jianbing stand in Portland with her husband and another friend. The Jianbing have received a very positive response from customers, with many buying several at a time, and “Bing mi”, the cleverly named stand, has a 5-star rating on Yelp. Netizens were astonished that the Jianbing, which commonly sell for around 1 RMB in China were selling for $6 in America.
Alisa Grandy去年去中国的时候第一次尝到了煎饼果子,并把这种传统小吃带回了美国。回到家乡后,她去年年底通过网络视频学会了做煎饼果子,于是和老公,朋友在颇特兰开了一个煎饼果子摊。煎饼果子获得消费者的积极反应,很多人一次买好几个。这个摊位有一个绝妙的名字“剑兵”,在Yelp上有5星评价。在中国通常卖1块钱的煎饼在美国能卖到6美元震惊了网友。
5. Middle School Teacher’s Letter of Resignation Goes Viral | 辞职信走红
A surprisingly short letter of resignation written by a middle school psychology teacher recently went viral. The letter, which was only 10 characters long, simply said “The world is big, I want to see it.” and nothing more. Despite the letter’s boldness, school leadership approved the teacher’s resignation, and she has already left the school. Online comments about the letter showed overwhelming support for the teacher, with many netizens wishing they were brave enough to do the same thing.
About Amanda App
Amanda Chinese learning app brings you a fun new way for Chinese learning through trending stories on the Chinese web – and it is FREE! With the new mobile app, you can keep updated with the most authentic, interesting and current trending stories happening right now in China, and easily pick up some Chinese vocabulary as you read. The app is available to download on Apple app store:
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