2017 Asian Career Fair | Chinese Culture and Community Service Center
When and Where
12:30 am-5:00 pm -
CCACC Headquarters
9366 Gaither Rd
United States
(get map)

Event Details
2017 Asian Career Fair : Sunday January 15 @ CCACC
Building on success of the previous Asian Career Fairs (ACF), three Washington DC region Chinese American organizations (CAPA, Monte Jade-DC, CCACC) will co-sponsor our Fifth Asian Career Fair to provide networking and job finding opportunities. This career fair will benefit all Asian American job seekers including Asian international students, Asian American students and Asian American young professionals. The Asian Job Fair is free to all job seekers and participating job exhibitors. To ensure your contact information is in the data base for potential employers, please register by January 12. Please bring your resume if you want to network with companies or job exhibitors.