China IP Roadshow — Strategies for IP Protection in China: What Washington State Rights Holders Need to Know
When and Where
8:15 am-3:30 pm -
UW Intellectual House
4249 Whitman Court
United States
(get map)

Event Details
Strategies For Protection/Enforcing IP in China: What Washington Companies Need to Know
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office’s China Intellectual Property (IP) Road Show comes to Seattle, bringing together policy makers and thought leaders on China IP issues from the U.S. government, academia, and practitioners including local business people and IP experts to share insights that will benefit U.S. IP rights holders. The program is one of a series of China IP Road Shows that the USPTO is conducting across the United States.
The event includes key participation from the USPTO’s China Team, who work nationwide to help U.S. businesses and inventors understand how to obtain and enforce IP rights in China.
WSCRC Board members Bob Kapp, Fraser Mendel, and Vikram Jandhyala are speakers at this event.
You can register for this event here.