China’s Generation Gap: The Aspirations of the ‘Jiu Ling Hou’ and the Future of the Workplace – A Panel Discussion
When and Where
10:00 am-11:30 am -
Embassy of Sweden
Dongzhimenwai Dajie
(get map)

Event Details
It is often assumed the youngest generation, the millennials or Gen Y, are narcissistic, lack loyalty to their current employer and have unrealistic expectations around career advancement. Older generations then, are described as being traditionally minded, set in the ways of customs and traditions of years gone by. Are these perceptions true or do we need to dig deeper to better understand these various generations and their attitudes toward the workplace?
BOLDMOVES China, a consulting firm with a focus in Strategy Development, Executive Coaching and Leadership Development, embarked on a nine-month China-wide research project to better understand the extent to which generational differences exist and to determine whether such perceptions are true. The study looked at four generations in the workplace and studied which workplace values are important to employees given their work and life stresses.
By 2030, there will be an estimated 200 million people in China, born after 1990, with a college degree. What are the aspirations of China’s college applicants today? What are they doing to stand out from the crowd?
America’s Ivy League Schools have long been flooded with applications from exceptional academic candidates from China. But now top international institutions are demanding more than just perfect grades. How can China’s brightest students make themselves stand out? A new spate of charity and social enterprise projects have blossomed in China as would-be international college-goers look to enhance their CVs. But what impact are these projects having on China’s young millennials, as well as their parents, and how are attitudes changing?
Cindy Jenson is the founder of BOLDMOVES China. She also serves on the Board of Educating Girls in Rural China, a charity that focuses on providing scholarship funding for continued education to girls from rural Gansu Province. She is Co-President of the Viva Board – Beijing’s professional women’s network.
Kelly Brantner is the Founder and Managing Director of Triticum Partners Ltd., a firm that assists start-up organizations with securing the necessary early rounds of financing to grow their business. She has served on the Board for the Canada China Business Council and has sat for four years on the Advisory Board of Green Leader Adventures (GLA). GLA is a Chinese social enterprise that works with Chinese high school students on humanitarian aid projects in Cambodia. She is Co-President of the Viva Board – Beijing’s professional women’s network.
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