Chinese Politics in the Xi Jinping Era
When and Where
5:30 pm-7:00 pm

Event Details
Join the National Committee for their upcoming events on China and Sino-U.S. relations: Cheng Li will discuss his recent book on the China’s domestic politics and policy process under Xi Jinping, as well as opportunities for cooperation between the United States and China.
In his new work, Chinese Politics in the Xi Jinping Era: Reassessing Collective Leadership, Brookings Institution scholar Cheng Li reveals the status of political institutionalization in Xi’s China by examining the backgrounds of the 376 members of the party’s Central Committee. Dr. Li contextualizes President Xi’s rise and illuminates the intriguing dynamics of factional politics within the Party. On January 25, in a conversation with National Committee President Stephen Orlins, Dr. Li will share his insights into Chinese elite politics, his analysis of Xi Jinping’s views and vision, and his forecast of the upcoming leadership change at the 2017 party congress.
Registration is required by 3:00 p.m. two days prior to each event. If you find after you have registered that you will be unable to attend, please notify us by 12:00 p.m. the day before, or you will be invoiced a $25 no-show fee.