Fearless and Fabulous: Intro to Women’s Self-Defense
When and Where
2:00 pm-4:00 pm -
KMG Xiaoyunlu (inside Sunnyfocus Sports Club)
(get map)

Event Details
Join us for a special seminar for International Women’s Day! Krav Maga Global (KMG) will be hosting a special charity seminar on self-defense for women in Beijing. The event will include an introduction to practical skills training, looking at the kind of situations women face, and understanding what self-defense means for women and girls in modern society.
Charity Ticket Price: 100 RMB
All proceeds from this event will be donated to Equality, an NGO that provides support and services for women who are affected by gender-based violence. For the price of lunch and a coffee, you’ll a get a real intro to self-defense AND help a great grassroots women’s NGO in China. For more about Equality and what they do for women, please visit: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzIzOTIwNzMyOQ==&mid=2650814739&idx=1&sn=60800693aed3dc2e6d16828586c2ef66&chksm=f2d90fddc5ae86cbb0f5b4bd04b904f6dce93b3acf755b75dace3d0ae2eda24b37540404ee0e&mpshare=1&scene=1&srcid=0226Q5Y3lgZPFhlA8XGNnQ42&key=ba1020d849de95c4f24a56771c385802a50eecae6156886a311ce0e3555fcb26c3673f48f10433e04f9e42adcc830ba808bdf7cdf4ffdbe5a16b70fb0e80ed3a2ca9dec2a9eded698f2b512170274ebb&ascene=0&uin=MTAzNzU4NTY1NQ%3D%3D&devicetype=iMac+MacBookPro11%2C1+OSX+OSX+10.12.3+build(16D32)&version=12010310&nettype=WIFI&fontScale=100&pass_ticket=mtWeI2ZtsL1KqRT5mrx8Sz4Ps53yFqCzYA6ZYWUZ1uwT4Q%2FGUSRRt%2B8W1G0LqCgO
Note: Participants must be women ages 16 and up. To ensure the quality of training, spots will be limited, so please register early to save your space!