Fighting Impunity and Corruption in El Salvador: A Conversation with Attorney General Douglas Meléndez Ruíz
When and Where
9:00 am-10:30 am -
Woodrow Wilson Center
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center One Woodrow Wilson Plaza 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 7
Washington DC
United States
(get map)

Event Details
El Salvador has been besieged in recent times by record homicide rates, powerful gangs, and significant corruption scandals involving top government officials. Yet despite these challenges, efforts to fight corruption and impunity have shown important results. Join the conversation on Thursday, July 26, 2018 for a discussion with:
Douglas Meléndez Ruíz
Attorney General, El Salvador
Leonor Arteaga Rubio
Senior Program Officer, Due Process of Law Foundation
Eric Olson
Deputy Director, Latin American Program
El Salvador has been besieged in recent times by record homicide rates, powerful gangs, and significant corruption scandals involving top government officials. Yet despite these challenges, efforts to fight corruption and impunity have shown important results. Join the conversation on Thursday, July 26, 2018 for a discussion with:
Douglas Meléndez Ruíz
Attorney General, El Salvador
Leonor Arteaga Rubio
Senior Program Officer, Due Process of Law Foundation
Eric Olson
Deputy Director, Latin American Program