Forgotten Renewables and Grassroots Climate and Green Action in China | Beijing Energy Network
When and Where
7:30 pm-10:30 pm -
Swanport Cafe
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Event Details
Wednesday, November 16, 7:30-10:30pm
“Forgotten Renewables and Grassroots Climate and Green Action in China”
Jennifer Turner, Director, Woodrow Wilson Center—China Environment Forum
Beijing Energy Network
Swanport Café | Free | No RSVP Required
Jennifer Turner is back at the Beijing Energy and Environment Rountable (BEER) again, bringing three Chinese grassroots NGO leaders to join her in an evening of rapid-fire Pecha Kucha talks—20 photos, 20 seconds each, a sort of highly caffeinated TED talk. Jennifer’s talk—The Forgotten Renewables—relates stories of the less “picturesque” forms of clean energy—namely sludge and wastewater. Alongside Turner, three Chinese NGOs will also give their Pecha Kucha talks (in Chinese) on the promises and obstacles facing grassroots groups working on climate mitigation and environmental protection in Western China.
Jennifer Turner has been the director of the China Environment Forum at the Woodrow Wilson Center for 16 years where she creates meetings, exchanges and publications focusing on a variety of energy and environmental challenges facing China, particularly on water, energy and green civil society issues. She has spoken previously at BEER about her Global Choke Point work that has explored water-energy confrontations in China, India and the United States.
Event information courtesy of Legation Quarter
Wednesday, November 16, 7:30-10:30pm
“Forgotten Renewables and Grassroots Climate and Green Action in China”
Jennifer Turner, Director, Woodrow Wilson Center—China Environment Forum
Beijing Energy Network
Swanport Café | Free | No RSVP Required
Jennifer Turner is back at the Beijing Energy and Environment Rountable (BEER) again, bringing three Chinese grassroots NGO leaders to join her in an evening of rapid-fire Pecha Kucha talks—20 photos, 20 seconds each, a sort of highly caffeinated TED talk. Jennifer’s talk—The Forgotten Renewables—relates stories of the less “picturesque” forms of clean energy—namely sludge and wastewater. Alongside Turner, three Chinese NGOs will also give their Pecha Kucha talks (in Chinese) on the promises and obstacles facing grassroots groups working on climate mitigation and environmental protection in Western China.
Jennifer Turner has been the director of the China Environment Forum at the Woodrow Wilson Center for 16 years where she creates meetings, exchanges and publications focusing on a variety of energy and environmental challenges facing China, particularly on water, energy and green civil society issues. She has spoken previously at BEER about her Global Choke Point work that has explored water-energy confrontations in China, India and the United States.
Event information courtesy of Legation Quarter