How to Get Funded from International VCs? 如何才能赢得国际VC的青睐?SG Beijing Hosts Frank Meehan(
When and Where
6:00 pm-9:00 pm -
Guanghualu SOHO
Guanghualu SOHO, 3Q, Reporting Hall, Guanghua Rd. No. 22, Chaoyang District, Beijing
(get map)

Event Details
Frank Meehan is a Co-Founder & Partner at SparkLabs Global Ventures and a Partner at SparkLabs, Asia’s premier accelerator based in Seoul. Frank is also the co-found of He was selected as part of the 2012 Wired UK Top 100 in tech, and Vanity Fair’s The Next Establishment list 2010. Previously Frank was with Horizons Ventures (HK), representing them on the boards of Spotify, Siri, Summly, Affectiva, Bitcasa, Fixmo, DoubleTwist, Ginger, Desti and Magisto. He also is the founder of Kuato Studios, a leading educational games studio, and INQ Mobile, an early pioneer in mobile internet.
Frank Meehan是SparkLabs Global Ventures的联合创始人和合伙人,是位于首尔的亚洲领先加速器SparkLabs的合伙人。Frank也是SmartUp.io的联合创始人。他曾入选《连线》(英国版)2012年科技影响力百人榜和《名利场》2010年未来影响力榜单。Frank曾在Spotify、Siri、Summly、Affectiva、Bitcasa、Fixmo、DoubleTwist、Ginger、Desti和Magisto董事会上代表Horizons Ventures(HK)。Frank还创立了教育游戏工作室Kuato Studios以及移动互联网先锋INQ Mobile。
Frank started with Ericsson in 1994 as a coder and troubleshooter, lived in Singapore and HK, and then joined Hutchison Whampoa in 2001 and was responsible for the technical integration of the first 3G(WCDMA) networks around the world. He then ran the Three Groups’ global handset business, and developed and launched a range of products (Skypephone and INQ1, which pioneered mobile and internet communications). Frank represented Zenefits in press interviews with leading publications such as the New York Times, Techcrunch, Forbes, Fortune, Bloomberg, Wired, PC Magazine and others. He keynoted multiple company launch events.
Frank于1994年加入爱立信从事编程工作,先后在新加坡和香港生活。2001年Frank加入和记黄埔,负责第一代3G(WCDMA)网络在世界范围内的技术整合工作。随后,他开始在Three Groups负责其全球手机业务并开发了一系列产品(包括引领了移动通信和互联网通信的Skypephone和INQ1)。Frank还是Zenefits的媒体发言人,接受过许多知名媒体的采访,比如纽约时报、Techcrunch、福布斯、财富、彭博、连线、PC Magazine等等,他曾在多家公司产品发布活动上发表主题演讲。
Event Info | 活动信息
English for the fireside chat(Chinese translation will be provided during the whole session), Chinese &English for networking
Time: May 11 (Thursday), 2017, 7:00PM-9:00PM
Location: Guanghualu SOHO, 3Q, Reporting Hall, Guanghua Rd. No. 22, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Agenda | 活动安排
7:00pm 签到 & 茶歇 Sign-in, Welcome Drink & Food
7:30pm 炉边谈话 Fireside Chat with Frank Meehan
8:30pm 自由讨论 & 社交环节 Drinks, Food & Networking
CHEERS are kindly offering a free flow of wines during the event to help get those creative minds flowing.
Admission | 费用
早鸟票:80元(截止至5月5日) | Early bird: 80RMB (Available until May 5th)
普通票:100元(截止至5月10日) | Regular: 100RMB (Available until May 10th)
现场票(活动当日购买):150元 | At-the-door: 150RMB
*If you are having trouble RSVPing at this page, please email: or contact him on WeChat (jeltew).
We offer free tickets(only 3) to founders of startups and free entrance for media, please apply for that via email or WeChat(jeltew).
About Startup Grind
Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting 400,000 founders in over 200 cities. We nurture startup ecosystems in 85 countries through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Entrepreneurs. The cornerstone of our global community are monthly events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Founded in Silicon Valley, Startup Grind has now hosted 2,000 fireside chats since its founding in 2010. To date, Startup Grind has helped millions of entrepreneurs find mentorship, connect to partners and employees, pursue funding, and reach new users.
Startup Grind是一个教育、启发并连接企业家的全球性独立创业社区。通过举办活动、媒体传播以及与Google for Entrepreneurs等组织的合作,我们在全球85个国家、超过200个城市推动当地创业生态系统的进一步完善。每个月我们都会邀请到北京具有影响力的企业创始人、创新者、教育者以及投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创业道路上所得到的经验和教训。从2010在硅谷创立,Startup Grind已经举办了2,000多次炉边谈话,成功帮助数以百万计的创业家与导师、合作伙伴、新雇员建立联系,找到投资资金和新用户。
Our Values | 我们的价值理念
We believe in making friends, not contacts. We believe in giving, not taking. We believe in helping others before helping yourself. We are truly passionate about helping founders, entrepreneurs and startups succeed. We intend to make their startup journey less lonely, more connected and more memorable.
If you’re interested in being a volunteer, partner or sponsor, please contact us via email
Frank Meehan is a Co-Founder & Partner at SparkLabs Global Ventures and a Partner at SparkLabs, Asia’s premier accelerator based in Seoul. Frank is also the co-found of He was selected as part of the 2012 Wired UK Top 100 in tech, and Vanity Fair’s The Next Establishment list 2010. Previously Frank was with Horizons Ventures (HK), representing them on the boards of Spotify, Siri, Summly, Affectiva, Bitcasa, Fixmo, DoubleTwist, Ginger, Desti and Magisto. He also is the founder of Kuato Studios, a leading educational games studio, and INQ Mobile, an early pioneer in mobile internet.
Frank Meehan是SparkLabs Global Ventures的联合创始人和合伙人,是位于首尔的亚洲领先加速器SparkLabs的合伙人。Frank也是SmartUp.io的联合创始人。他曾入选《连线》(英国版)2012年科技影响力百人榜和《名利场》2010年未来影响力榜单。Frank曾在Spotify、Siri、Summly、Affectiva、Bitcasa、Fixmo、DoubleTwist、Ginger、Desti和Magisto董事会上代表Horizons Ventures(HK)。Frank还创立了教育游戏工作室Kuato Studios以及移动互联网先锋INQ Mobile。
Frank started with Ericsson in 1994 as a coder and troubleshooter, lived in Singapore and HK, and then joined Hutchison Whampoa in 2001 and was responsible for the technical integration of the first 3G(WCDMA) networks around the world. He then ran the Three Groups’ global handset business, and developed and launched a range of products (Skypephone and INQ1, which pioneered mobile and internet communications). Frank represented Zenefits in press interviews with leading publications such as the New York Times, Techcrunch, Forbes, Fortune, Bloomberg, Wired, PC Magazine and others. He keynoted multiple company launch events.
Frank于1994年加入爱立信从事编程工作,先后在新加坡和香港生活。2001年Frank加入和记黄埔,负责第一代3G(WCDMA)网络在世界范围内的技术整合工作。随后,他开始在Three Groups负责其全球手机业务并开发了一系列产品(包括引领了移动通信和互联网通信的Skypephone和INQ1)。Frank还是Zenefits的媒体发言人,接受过许多知名媒体的采访,比如纽约时报、Techcrunch、福布斯、财富、彭博、连线、PC Magazine等等,他曾在多家公司产品发布活动上发表主题演讲。
Event Info | 活动信息
English for the fireside chat(Chinese translation will be provided during the whole session), Chinese &English for networking
Time: May 11 (Thursday), 2017, 7:00PM-9:00PM
Location: Guanghualu SOHO, 3Q, Reporting Hall, Guanghua Rd. No. 22, Chaoyang District, Beijing
Agenda | 活动安排
7:00pm 签到 & 茶歇 Sign-in, Welcome Drink & Food
7:30pm 炉边谈话 Fireside Chat with Frank Meehan
8:30pm 自由讨论 & 社交环节 Drinks, Food & Networking
CHEERS are kindly offering a free flow of wines during the event to help get those creative minds flowing.
Admission | 费用
早鸟票:80元(截止至5月5日) | Early bird: 80RMB (Available until May 5th)
普通票:100元(截止至5月10日) | Regular: 100RMB (Available until May 10th)
现场票(活动当日购买):150元 | At-the-door: 150RMB
*If you are having trouble RSVPing at this page, please email: or contact him on WeChat (jeltew).
We offer free tickets(only 3) to founders of startups and free entrance for media, please apply for that via email or WeChat(jeltew).
About Startup Grind
Startup Grind is the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting 400,000 founders in over 200 cities. We nurture startup ecosystems in 85 countries through events, media, and partnerships with organizations like Google for Entrepreneurs. The cornerstone of our global community are monthly events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Founded in Silicon Valley, Startup Grind has now hosted 2,000 fireside chats since its founding in 2010. To date, Startup Grind has helped millions of entrepreneurs find mentorship, connect to partners and employees, pursue funding, and reach new users.
Startup Grind是一个教育、启发并连接企业家的全球性独立创业社区。通过举办活动、媒体传播以及与Google for Entrepreneurs等组织的合作,我们在全球85个国家、超过200个城市推动当地创业生态系统的进一步完善。每个月我们都会邀请到北京具有影响力的企业创始人、创新者、教育者以及投资人来参加我们的活动,和大家分享他们的个人故事以及他们在创业道路上所得到的经验和教训。从2010在硅谷创立,Startup Grind已经举办了2,000多次炉边谈话,成功帮助数以百万计的创业家与导师、合作伙伴、新雇员建立联系,找到投资资金和新用户。
Our Values | 我们的价值理念
We believe in making friends, not contacts. We believe in giving, not taking. We believe in helping others before helping yourself. We are truly passionate about helping founders, entrepreneurs and startups succeed. We intend to make their startup journey less lonely, more connected and more memorable.
If you’re interested in being a volunteer, partner or sponsor, please contact us via email