Overview of China’s Coal-to-Gas Industry | Beijing Energy Network
When and Where
8:00 pm-9:00 pm -
Swanport Café (鸿芷咖啡馆)
Galaxy SOHO, Room 10320, Floor 3, Block A, Nanzhugan Hutong #2
(get map)

Event Details
At this BEER event, Ma Wen and Calvin Quek from Greenpeace will discuss the environment performance of SNG technology and why it’s a false solution we don’t want to see. Who’s pushing this scheme at behind? And what’s the potential financial risk ahead?
Wednesday, October 8, 8pm
“Overview of China’s Coal-to-Gas Industry”
Ma Wen 马文, Campaigner, Climate & Energy Campaign, Greenpeace East Asia,
Calvin Quek 郭绍明, Head of Sustainable Finance Program, Greenpeace East Asia
Beijing Energy Network | Beijing Energy & Environment Roundtable (BEER)
Swanport Café (鸿芷咖啡馆), Galaxy SOHO, Room 10320, Floor 3, Block A, Nanzhugan Hutong #2 | Free | Event Held in Chinese
Recently, the Chinese government is including coal-based synthetic natural gas (‘SNG”) in its policy agenda to mitigate smog problems in eastern Chinese cities. In 2013, China’s National Energy Administration suddenly accelerated the approval of many coal-based SNG projects. According to statistics gathered by Greenpeace, as of June 2014, there were a total of 50 coal-based SNG projects in different stages of development throughout China with an annual production capacity of 225 billion cubic meters. Currently, the rapid development of coal-based SNG is being intensely discussed by different stakeholders.
At this BEER event, Ma Wen and Calvin Quek from Greenpeace will discuss the environment performance of SNG technology and why it’s a false solution we don’t want to see. Who’s pushing this scheme at behind? And what’s the potential financial risk ahead?
Ma Wen is leading Greenpeace East Asia’s coal-to-gas project as part of the overall China coal project. He was the chief author of the investigation report on Shenhua’s Coal-to-Liquid project at Ordos, released by Greenpeace August 2013. Before joining Greenpeace, he followed the international climate talks with the Adopt a Negotiator Fellowship since 2010. Besides, he’s also the High-level Advisory Committee member of Climate Justice Dialogue, an initiative of the Mary Robinson Foundation – Climate Justice and the World Resources Institute. Ma Wen graduated from Renmin University of China.
Calvin Quek heads Greenpeace East Asia’s Sustainable Finance Program and leads the organization’s strategic engagement of the financial community. Prior to joining Greenpeace, he was with Citigroup for close to a decade, as an Investment Research Analyst in Singapore, and led Citigroup Singapore’s CSR & Volunteerism committee in 2008. Calvin has an MBA from Peking University, and an MSc in Wealth Management from Singapore Management University.