Professional Development Series: Avoiding Business Culture Clashes | JingJobs & Beijing Women’s Network

When and Where

  • 28/07/2016
    7:00 pm-9:00 pm

  • Inn Cube
    Sanlitun, Beijing
    (get map)

Event Details

Too often, you never know you are hitting a cultural brick wall until after it happens. Cultural misunderstandings can make or break closing deals, developing business relationships, and building and expanding your company and brand. Beijing Women’s Network and JingJobs brings together panelists with experiences working in different cultures and environments to discuss how to bridge the cultural gap and avoiding business culture clashes.

Part 1: Business Culture Panel and Q&A
Three panelists will discuss their country’s business culture and the experiences they have had working with people of different nationalities in different environments. This panel discussion will be 40-minutes including Q&A.

Part 2: Small Group Discussion
Attendees will be broken into groups of 5-7 people to discuss and compare business culture from their respective cities and countries as well as different experiences they have had working in China and abroad. We will provide a worksheet ahead of time that attendees can fill out and use to facilitate the conversation. Questions will address how different cultures view business practices, ranging from hiring practices, every-day communication, customer service, workflow, to management best practices.

This event is open to everyone.

Register here:


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