Sustainability Trends in Multilateral Development Finance
When and Where
7:30 pm-9:00 pm -
Beijing Energy Network
Xin Hua Wen Hua Da Sha Dongcheng Qu, Beijing Shi
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Event Details
The past few years have seen China lead the development of new multilateral banks such as the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, and the New Development Bank. And many have linked these institutions with China’s revival of the Silk Road trade route, an initiative called the “One Belt One Road”, which will connect trade and transportation notes across the Eurasian continent.
However, how green and environmentally-sustainable are the policies and practices of these new institutions? While both the AIIB and NDB have publicly espoused to be green bank, questions remain. Will they truly spark the clean sustainable development for emerging countries, or will they fund high carbon emitting, environmental degrading, infrastructure projects? These questions and more will be discussed by Calvin Quek from Greenpeace.
Calvin Quek is head of Greenpeace East Asia’s Sustainable Finance Program and leads its engagement of the financial community. Quek serves on the Board of the China Carbon Forum and was the first Executive Director of the Beijing Energy Network. Prior to joining Greenpeace, he was with Citigroup for close to a decade, where he was with the investment research team in Singapore and led Citigroup Singapore’s CSR & Volunteerism committee in 2008. Calvin has an MBA from Peking University, and an M.Sc. in Wealth Management from Singapore Management University.