Symposium on Income Inequality and Social Policy in China: Achievements, Challenges, and Directions
When and Where
8:30 am-6:30 pm -
Jingshi Hotel
Jingshi Hotel, Beijing Normal University. Beijing, China
(get map)

Event Details
Columbia University School of Social Work will host the “Symposium on Income Inequality and Social Policy in China: Achievements, Challenges, and Directions” jointly with the China Institute for Income Distribution on October 22, 2016 Saturday at Jingshi Hotel, Beijing Normal University.
The symposium includes some of the top experts on these topics in China and around the world from academia, the government, and international organizations such as the Asian Development Bank, UNICEF, and the World Bank. Topics discussed include income distribution, poverty reduction, child development, pension reform, and elder care, among others. The symposium is free and open to the public.
The symposium is supported by Beijing Normal University Business School, Columbia Weatherhead East Asian Institute, and Columbia Global Centers | Beijing.
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