The China-India Relationship Status: Can They Make It Work? | Foreign Correspondents’ Club of China
When and Where
7:00 pm-8:30 pm -
The Bookworm
Building 4, Nan Sanlitun Road
(get map)

Event Details
The relationship between China and India is evolving. Join columnist and adviser to former Indian Prime Minister, Prem Shankar Jha, as he answers the various questions that underlie these changes. Registration required.
In the last year, the heads of state of China and India visited each others’ countries. Only two previous presidents of China and two Indian prime ministers had exchanged visits in the previous 65 years. Clearly something is changing. But what, why, in which direction, and how far will it go? What issues other than the long standing border problem will the new India-China relationship confront? How will India’s relationship with the US, Japan and Pakistan impact the Modi-Xi dialogue? Is there an evolving strategic vision behind the change?
ENTRANCE: 50 RMB, free to FCCC members, 40 RMB to members of The Bookworm
Prem Shankar Jha has been a journalist and Editor in India for almost 50 years, an adviser to a former Indian Prime minister, V.P Singh, and author of two books on China’s dramatic (and India’s slightly less dramatic) economic transformation.
Event information courtesy of Legation Quarter.