The Future of U.S.-China Relations: A Discussion with Daniel Russel
When and Where
5:00 pm-6:30 pm -
Asia Society Hong Kong Center
9 Justice Drive, Admiralty
Hong Kong
Hong Kong
(get map)

Event Details
A productive, working U.S.-China relationship has been a key pillar of the unprecedented peace and prosperity that East Asia has enjoyed over the past four decades.
Through sustained engagement, the U.S. and China have sought to expand areas of cooperation, and address points of disagreement. In the coming years, maintaining this balancing act will be a critical challenge for both Washington and Beijing that will not only have critical ramifications for Asia, but for the entire world.
The U.S. and China have shared interests in addressing regional and global challenges such as international terrorism, nuclear proliferation in North Korea and Iran, climate change, and energy security. However, the two sides must also manage their differences over trade, market access, technological exchange, and reduce mutual mistrust on security and military issues such as missile defense and cybersecurity.
Daniel Russel, who played a key role in crafting President Obama’s “rebalance” to the Asia-Pacific Region, will provide firsthand insight on US.-.China relations and offer his outlook on the future of the critically important bilateral relationship between the U.S. and China.
Tickets are HKD 150 for members and HKD 200 for non-members. You can purchase tickets here.