The Reality of the China Dream | Beijing Energy and Environment Roundtable
When and Where
8:00 pm-9:00 pm -
Media Cafe
New Street Courtyard Bldg. 8, West Side, Chaoyang District
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Event Details
In this presentation, Calvin Quek from Greenpeace will seek to explain these contradictions and set the context for understanding the reform agenda. At the same he will give an overview of China’s efforts to address air pollution, the latest energy and environmental trends, and China’s energy transition, and what investors can expect in the lead up to the 13 FYP.
Wednesday, November 18, 8pm
“The Reality of the China Dream”
Calvin Quek, Head of Sustainable Finance Program, Greenpeace East Asia
Beijing Energy and Environment Roundtable (BEER)
Media Cafe | Free
President Xi Jinping’s signature slogan “The China Dream” was unveiled with great enthusiasm in 2013. Since then however, while bluer skies have visibly appeared in Beijing, China’s GDP growth has contracted, prompting many to wonder whether slower GDP-growth is the price to pay for cleaner skies. At the same time, China’s less visible transition away from coal and the growth of non-fossil fuels have presented challenges to China’s incumbent champion energy companies that will inform and shape China’s upcoming 13th Five Year Plan (FYP) for energy. For investors in China, President Xi’s reform agenda continues to befuddle as it oscillates between allowing the market to play a greater role in China’s economy, while imposing aggressive government intervention in the currency and capital markets.
In this presentation, Calvin Quek from Greenpeace will seek to explain these contradictions and set the context for understanding the reform agenda. At the same he will give an overview of China’s efforts to address air pollution, the latest energy and environmental trends, and China’s energy transition, and what investors can expect in the lead up to the 13 FYP.
Calvin Quek is head of Greenpeace East Asia’s Sustainable Finance Program and leads its engagement of the financial community. Calvin serves on the Board of the China Carbon Forum, and was the first Executive Director of the Beijing Energy Network. Prior to joining Greenpeace, he was with Citigroup for close to a decade, with the investment research team in Singapore, and led Citigroup Singapore’s CSR & Volunteerism committee in 2008.
Calvin has an MBA from Peking University, and an MSc in Wealth Management from Singapore Management University. Calvin is a regular commentator on China’s energy and environmental issues, contributing to the Financial Times, South China Morning Post, has appeared on CNBC, Bloomberg and CCTV.
Advanced registration is not required.
Event information courtesy of Legation Quarter.