To Live For Food – Screening and Panel Discussion

When and Where

  • 27/06/2017
    7:30 pm-9:30 pm

  • Xinhua Wenhua Mansion, 5th Floor
    Jiaodaokou Nan Dajie
    (get map)

To Live For Food - Screening and Panel Discussion

Event Details

The film tells the story of a diplomat-turned-farmer, Ms. Zhang, who is leading a one-woman crusade to implement her philosophy of sustainable farming.

—– About the Film (电影内容) —–

The film tells the story of a diplomat-turned-farmer, Ms. Zhang, who is leading a one-woman crusade to implement her philosophy of sustainable farming. Following her story, the film explores the endangered Chinese food system and observes the dilemmas in land use and food consumption.

—– About the Director & Panelist (导演简历) —–
Ming Shang is a director with sixteen years of television and production experience working with networks in China and overseas, including CCTV, Travel Channel (China), France 24, and Arte. His documentaries Oil and Water (2014) and To Live for Food (2015) aired on NHK World.

商明,有十六年电视拍摄与制作经验,与国内及国外电视台都有工作或合作经历,如中央电视台,旅游卫视,France 24, Arte。2014年及2015年导演、拍摄的纪录片《油和水》及《食为天》在NHK国际频道播出。


Jing Wang is a senior campaigner for Food and Agriculture at Greenpeace East Asia. She holds bachelors degrees in Law and Philosophy, and a masters in International Law from Peking University. Jing’s work focuses on environmental protection and ecological agriculture in order to ensure sufficient, safe, and healthy food for everyone. As a spokesperson for the Greenpeace Food and Agriculture program, Jing has often been interviewed by the media in China and overseas, including the Guardian, Al Jazzera, etc., has appeared as a commentator on CCTV, and written articles for various publications.

王婧 绿色和平东亚办公室,食品与农业资深项目主任。北京大学法学与哲学双学士、国际法学硕士。扎根环保与生态农业圈,从事食品安全问题研究,倡导现代生态农业在中国的发展,让人人享有充分、安全健康的食物。作为绿色和平食品与农业项目发言人,王婧多次接受等卫报、半岛电视台等国内国外媒体采访,受邀中央电视台作为农业和食品安全议题的评论嘉宾出席直播,并为多个食品和农业方面的杂志和报刊撰稿。


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