Trade Secrets and Economic Espionage | Committee of 100
When and Where
3:30 pm-5:30 pm -
Rice University, Duncan Hall
Duncan Hall, Houston, TX 77005, United States
United States
TX 77005
United States
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Event Details
A Seminar on the Legal Risks in Advancing Technology Between the United States and China
Chinese scientists, technology professionals, and federal government employees in the United States have increasingly become the focus of criminal investigations and prosecutions involving national security, intellectual property theft, and corporate espionage.
Committee of 100 member Nelson Dong will discuss the complex U.S. legal environment, historical context, and geo-political background surrounding these cases, and explore some of the more notable cases that have been brought by the government against Chinese American scientists and government employees.
Special guests Sherry Chen and Dr. Xiaoxing Xi will share their experiences as Chinese American scientists who suffered professional, emotional and financial harm when they were accused of and arrested for espionage, only to have all charges subsequently dropped without explanation or apology.
Event Sponsors:
- Asian American Bar Association of Houston (AABA)
- Committee of 100
- Chinese American Citizens Alliance (C.A.C.A.) – Houston
- Chinese Professional Club (CPC)
- Houston Chinese Alliance (HCA)
- Houston Chinese Faculty Association (HCFA)
- SINO Professionals Association
- OCA Greater Houston (OCA-GH)