US-China Relations: After the 2016 Presidential Election | The Carter Center
When and Where
4:30 pm-7:30 pm -
The Carter Center
Cypress Room, 453 Freedom Pkwy NE
United States
(get map)

Event Details
The Georgia China Alliance and the Carter Center will hold a panel discussion on the upcoming 2016 US presidential election and its potential impact on US-China relations. The panelists will share their views of both the Democratic and Republican party nominees’ positions on China, and what US-China relations will look like under either a Clinton administration or a Trump administration, and the impacts on businesses on both sides
Price: $25 GCA Members, $35 Non-GCA Members, or $50 (Admission to event plus 1 year of GCA membership)
Organizer: Georgia-China Alliance and the Carter Center
Event Details: The Georgia China Alliance and the Carter Center will hold a panel discussion on the upcoming 2016 US presidential election and its potential impact on US-China relations. The panelists will share their views of both the Democratic and Republican party nominees’ positions on China, and what US-China relations will look like under either a Clinton administration or a Trump administration, and the impacts on businesses on both sides.
- Dr. Alan Abramowitz, Professor of Political Science, Emory University
- Dr. John Garver, Professor Emeritus, Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, Georgia Tech, and Associate of the China Research Center
- Dr. Yawei Liu, Director of the China Program at The Carter Center, and Associate Director of the China Research Center
- The panel will be moderated by Christopher Chan, Partner at Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP