Internship | MOSTO GROUP

by slee15 on July 5th, 2016   789 views

The position offers you the opportunity to learn and build up your online and offline marketing skills and contribute to the operation and growth of our restaurants. You will get responsibilities from day one and work closely with your team leader. Learn from award winning restaurants and apply their marketing theories, creativity, and drive in a Chinese working environment.


Job Description


Internship position working closely with the Head of Marketing and Marketing Assistants of the Mosto Restaurant Group



Full time, minimum 4 months



Marketing or Business Administration Students and Graduates, depending on the length of your internship and skills



Native English. Chinese skills preferred but not required


Program Mission

To prepare graduating students and graduates for entry into the marketing profession, and to obtain experience in a fast growing restaurant group with entrepreneurial colleagues. Head of Marketing will be your coach and mentor during the whole period of your internship.

You will be expected to work independently, make suggestions and contribute to the creative development of the restaurants’ marketing actions with a particular focus on online marketing and restaurant expansion.


Program Objective

–    Online:

Social media:

o   You will co-operate with the Marketing Assistant on creating a strategy for the Group’s WeChat account, the fastest growing social media platform in China

o   You will create research and content for WeChat posts


o   You will help create dynamic websites for all three brands


–    Offline:

o   Create promotion and event material

o   With the growing work force, internal marketing will become a high priority. You will help with writing the group’s internal quarterly newsletter


Should the Group open a new restaurant during or shortly after the internship, you will

o   Assist in developing a marketing strategy for a newmarket

o  Support your Marketing colleagues in creating a demographics profile


–    Common to both:

o   Learn to work with and understand diverse demographics

o   Learn to organize events

o   Understand how to set up business in China

o   Get familiar with the Chinese culture and its working environment


Work Schedule

You will be working full time, and be based at the restaurants in Sanlitun with some flexibility. However due to the nature of the business, from time to time you may be required to work at certain specific hours and within a tight time frame.



You are provided free meals in the restaurants during your working hours. You are further given 50% discount on your meals outside of working hours (applies to your entire table).

The above applied for the three restaurants: Mosto, MODO Urban Deli and MOKA Bros’ during your working period with us.

Mosto Restaurant Group offers many opportunities to increase your knowledge of the restaurant operation, personal development, and some managerial skills. This will not only benefit your growth in our company but with your entire future.


For more information, please visit

How to Apply

Please send your application directly to us by email: and

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