Research Internship | US-China Economic & Security Review Commission (USCC)

by Project Pengyou on September 19th, 2014   4104 views

The U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission (USCC) offers Internship opportunities based on the required workload of the Commission, which is generally on a semester basis. Internships are filled on a rolling basis. Generally, the first session begins in mid-January and the second begins in July; however start and end dates are variable based on the Commission’s needs. The USCC is dedicated to maintaining a diverse workforce with a wide variety of backgrounds and expertise.


Job Description


The U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission (USCC) offers Internship opportunities based on the required workload of the Commission, which is generally on a semester basis. Internships are filled on a rolling basis. Generally, the first session begins in mid-January and the second begins in July; however start and end dates are variable based on the Commission’s needs. The USCC is dedicated to maintaining a diverse workforce with a wide variety of backgrounds and expertise


The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission (USCC) was created by the United States Congress in October 2000 with the legislative mandate to monitor, investigate, and submit to Congress an annual report on the national security implications of the bilateral trade and economic relationship between the United States and the People’s Republic of China, and to provide recommendations, where appropriate, to Congress for legislative and administrative action. 

The Commission’s mandate is available at 


1. Research, monitor, and conduct analysis on developments primarily in China, Taiwan, and the western Pacific Region. 

2. Work with USCC staff on planning and preparing for the Commission’s public hearings, report editing sessions, and other meetings. 

3. Attend seminars, meetings, and other events on behalf of the USCC, and write memorandum to Commissioners and staff members. 

4. Monitor and report on current events and emerging topics-of-interest relating to the Commission’s mandate through research and fact-checking. 



1. Must be a U.S. citizen, or have applied for U.S. citizenship and naturalization.

2. Must be current college junior or senior, or a recent graduate of an undergrad program. 

3. Must have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) at the current or last institution attended. 

4. Must have coursework in one or more of the following areas:

a. Economics & Trade: coursework with a focus on Chinese and/or broader Asian business, economics, and trade.

b. General Research: coursework with a focus on Chinese and/ or broader Asian culture, society, and language.

c. Military & Security: coursework with a focus on Chinese and/or broader Asian international relations, foreign affairs, and security studies.

5. Chinese language skills – reading, writing, and/or speaking – are highly desirable. 

USCC Internships are intellectually challenging and require individual initiative and an ability to monitor and report on current events and issues. Strong research and communications skills – writing and oral –are essential.


A complete application package containing ALL required documents below must be sent via email to Please send all documents in PDF format. Incomplete packages will not be considered.

Your application package must include a: 


Please list in the following order in bullet format. 

a. Your basic contact information 

i. Email address 

ii. Most convenient phone number 

iii. Permanent address 

b. Availability 

i. Full-Time or Part-Time (include tentative work schedule & hours per week) 

c. Brief statement outlining your interest in the USCC and our Internship program. 

d. Brief statement addressing your research skills, knowledge, and effective utilization of electronic and print information, especially sources regarding China, Taiwan, and the Asia-Pacific region.

e. If you are interested in completing this internship for-credit with your academic institution, please answer the following: 

i. Name of the program, or class, and the affiliated academic institution 

ii. Contact information for a program administrator

iii. Start/End dates of registration

iv. Any other applicable information 

f. Provide concise, point-by-point responses to the following questions: 

i. Are you a United States Citizen, or have you applied for U.S. citizenship and naturalization? If you have recently applied for U.S. citizenship and naturalization, please include: (a) date of citizenship if naturalized; and (b) if you have or have ever had a Federal security clearance identify the level and dates held.

ii. Are you proficient with using Microsoft Office Suite software applications, preferably Office 2007 versions of MSWord, Excel, and Outlook?

iii. What is your primary area of interest? (a) Economics & Trade; (b) Military, Security & Foreign Affairs; or, (c) General Research.

iv. Are you able to read and/or speak Mandarin Chinese? If yes, please indicate which and at what level: (a) beginner, (b) intermediate, (c) advanced, (d) native fluency.

v. Have you ever travelled, lived or worked in the People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, or Hong Kong? If yes, please elaborate on where, when and the circumstances.

vi. How did you hear about this position?


a. Be sure to include all applicable work history, educational achievements, completed coursework, special honors/awards, and anything else that you feel will help in our evaluation. 


a. Discuss the three most important issues in U.S.-China relations today that relate to the Commission’s legislative mandate as outlined at:

b. Your submission must be your own work, not more than 3 pages, double spaced, in 12-point font, and include footnotes and sources. 


a. Please instruct your recommenders to email their letters directly to Recommendations will be attached to their respective application upon submission. 


a. Unofficial academic transcripts are acceptable. Please include the academic transcript from your current institution, or, for recent graduates, the transcript from the school last attended. Include in your application email the names of your recommenders.


After submitting your application package for this position you will receive an e-mail confirming receipt of your application materials. Reviews will start after the closing date. You will be contacted via phone and/or email if we wish to schedule a telephone interview. Applicants not selected for further consideration will be notified via email upon completion of the selection process 


Research Interns are paid $10.00 per hour. Successful applicants who are receiving credit for their Internship through an accredited academic program are not eligible for hourly compensation. The “Smart Benefits” transit subsidy program is available to all Interns, but no other benefits are authorized or available.

The US-China Economic & Security Review Commission is an EEO employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, political affiliation, sexual orientation, marital status, disability, or age.

The USCC will provide reasonable accommodation to applicants with disabilities as appropriate. Determinations on requests for reasonable accommodation will be made on a case-by-case basis. 

If selected for this position, before you can be formally hired you will be required to sign and certify the accuracy of the information in your application. – If you are a male applicant born after December 31, 1959, you must certify that you have registered with the Selective Service System, or are exempt from having to do so under the Selective Service Law as described in 5 USC 3328. – If you misrepresent your experience or education, or provide false or fraudulent information, it may be grounds for not hiring you or dismissing you after you start. Making false or fraudulent statements can be punishable by fine or imprisonment.

Please send any questions regarding the program or application process to:



How to Apply

A complete application package containing ALL required documents must be sent via email to Please send all documents in PDF format. Incomplete packages will not be considered. (detailed information in post)

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