Project Pengyou Summer Recap

Dear Pengyous,

It’s been an exciting and busy summer! We’d first like to give a big shout out to our summer intern bunch at the Golden Bridges office, who worked very hard to help us with Project Pengyou and our other nonprofit initiatives.

A major focus this summer has been our pilot project with The Hopkins—Nanjing Center. For the past few months we’ve been testing our new online features with their alumni network and getting feedback on what we can improve. The Ford Foundation awarded The Hopkins—Nanjing Center (HNC) a one-year grant to collaborate with us to strengthen its global alumni community through innovative online engagement. The social network and new community tools will be piloted with The HNC in 2013, and later rolled out to the rest of the 100,000 Strong Initiative’s global alumni network.

It was great to catch up with some of you at our July 4th BBQ and our other events over the summer. Read on to find out about our recent and upcoming events, job openings and more!

Thank you for all of your continued support.

Very Best,

Holly Chang

The HNC-PPY Launch Event!

We are excited to announce that our first celebratory event for The Hopkins—Nanjing Center-Project Pengyou Pilot is coming up on September 26th in Shanghai and all HNC/SAIS students & alumni are encouraged to attend.

This will be the first time that three HNC American Co-Directors are coming together to discuss the past, present, and future of this bilingual, bicultural community.

We’re Hiring a Product Manager!

Are you tech savvy and detail-oriented with a great sense of design? The Product Manager plays a crucial role on the team as the key driver of’s online development lifecycle. He/she will work directly with the CEO to ensure our site enables and empowers users to contribute meaningful content and build a robust online community.

For more details, see the full job description here. Competitive pay, a great team and a hutong office await!

Summer Intern Roundup

A big thanks to our Summer 2013 interns! Meet our interns and read about their summer projects with Project Pengyou on our blog!

Sound like something you’d like to do this semester? We currently have internship positions available for the Fall/Winter. Apply here!



A Conversation with Michael Masserman

On July 24th, we had the honor of hosting Mr. Michael Masserman, Executive Director of President Obama’s National Export Initiative (NEI) , at our courtyard. We had over 50 pengyous attend to talk about the U.S.-China trade relationship, as well as what the U.S. Government can do to get more Americans to China.

Read more about the event here!

Upcoming Events

We have a series of fireside chats and panel discussions planned at our courtyard throughout the fall. The first will be A Fireside Chat with Kaiser Kuo on September 23rd. Save the date and stay tuned for the official announcement next week!

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Project Pengyou is a program of The Golden Bridges Foundation, a US-registered 501(c)3 public charity.