Islamic Caliphate in Iraq: What can China do? | ThinkIN China
When and Where
7:00 pm-8:00 pm -
The Bridge Cafe
Rm 8, Bldg 12, Chengfu Lu
(get map)

Event Details
TIC organizes nine monthly academic discussion events during the academic year in China. The TIC events consist of a speech of about 20 minutes and around one hour of Q&A session with the public. After the events TIC invites the speaker to join a convivial event specifically designed to facilitate the familiarization and the informal flow of communication among the members of the community. We are pleased to invite you to ThinkIN China’s #38 event!
We are pleased to invite you
to the next ThinkIN China #38 event,
on Wednesday, October 22th.
Islamic Caliphate in Iraq:
What Can China Do?
Prof. Ma Xiaolin (马晓霖)
Founder of Bo Lian She (博联社) blog Director,
Chinese Academy for Middle East Studies
Date: October 22th, 2014
Time: 19:00
Venue: The Bridge Cafe Rm 8, Bldg 12, Chengfu Lu 成府路五道口华清嘉园12号楼8号