Leading the Charge: Strengthening California-China Collaboration on Clean Air and Climate Change
When and Where
9:30 am-11:30 am -
Bechtel Conference Center
500 Washington Street
San Francisco
United States
(get map)

Event Details
Join Asia Society as we explore how U.S. partnerships with China on clean air supports the broader effort to rein in global greenhouse gas emissions. As the urgency to clear the air in China increases each year, the dialogue will look at how collaboration between the U.S. and China on both regulation and technology development are spurring new and innovative clean air solutions, creating new market opportunities, and establishing stronger national and international best practices.
Since coming into office, U.S. President Donald J. Trump has signaled his intent to scale back on America’s global commitments to combat climate change. China meanwhile has indicated that it will continue pursuing its climate change commitments, but without the U.S. as a reliable and committed partner, the effort to rein in global greenhouse gas emissions at the international level is in jeopardy. In the absence of strong leadership at the Federal level in the U.S., California has responded by reaffirming its clean energy goals and showing leadership at the sub-national level. The state is also continuing to build from its partnerships and collaborations with China, and these sub-national efforts are beginning to yield positive outcomes.
The event will also launch a new Asia Society report A Clear Opportunity: U.S.-China Collaboration on Clean Air, which not only looks at efforts being undertaken at the national-level, but also in California, where the state has been at the forefront in the development of subnational collaborations on clean air. The event also will highlight a major new report on the U.S.-China clean-energy relationship from Stanford University’s Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance, a joint initiative of Stanford’s law and business schools. The report, “The New Solar System,” illuminates key and little-understood changes remaking China’s world-leading solar enterprise — and that, as a result, are remaking solar power globally.
For more information on the report, see www.AsiaSociety.org/AClearOpportunity.