Managing a Tougher PRC Market Following the 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress
When and Where
12:00 pm-1:45 pm -
The American Chamber of Commerce in HK
1904 Bank of America Tower, 12 Harcourt Road
Central, Hong Kong
(get map)

Event Details
Steve Vickers will outline how the 19th Chinese Communist Party Congress will entrench a tougher business environment in China, exemplified by continuing anti-corruption efforts and the extension of government reach into the private sector.
Regulatory measures challenging businesses (such as action in the insurance sector) may ease after the Congress, as the need for stability wanes – but will not dissipate altogether.
The Congress may also intensify strategic qualms about the One Belt, One Road initiative, which could lead to closer scrutiny of Chinese investments elsewhere. Nonetheless, opportunities still abound, meaning businesses must respond to these risks, or miss out.