Project Pengyou Speed-Language Partner Event | Project Pengyou UMD Chapter
When and Where
5:00 pm-6:00 pm -
JMZ 2122
Jimenez Hall, University of Maryland
College Park
United States
(get map)
Event Details
Looking for someone to help you practice speaking or writing in Chinese/English? Want to connect with your language partner on a personal level? Find a language partner and new friend at the UMD Project Pengyou Speed-Friending event! Meet other students who are learning Chinese/English and looking for someone not only to practice with, but also hang out.
Looking for someone to help you practice speaking or writing in Chinese/English? Want to connect with your language partner on a personal level? Find a language partner and new friend at the UMD Project Pengyou Speed-Friending event! Meet other students who are learning Chinese/English and looking for someone not only to practice with, but also hang out.
Like speed dating, everyone will get to talk to each other for a few minutes before switching partners. Exchange wechat/facebook info with people who share your similar interests and schedules. You can also invite each other to come out to future project pengyou events (movies, restaurants etc)!