Talk: How is the New Silk Road Economic Belt | Young China Watchers, Shanghai

When and Where

  • 26/08/2014
    7:15 pm-8:15 pm

  • The Wooden Box
    9 Qinghai Lu, near Nanjing Xi Lu Jing'an, Shanghai 200040
    (get map)

Talk: How is the New Silk Road Economic Belt | Young China Watchers, Shanghai

Event Details

Based on on-the-ground research conducted across Central Asia and China, Raffaello Pantucci, will provide a presentation of what the Silk Road Economic Belt means and how China is reshaping the geopolitical landscape in Central Asia.

How New is the Silk Road Economic Belt?

Raffaello Pantucci, Senior Research Fellow, Royal United Services Institute (RUSI)

Tuesday, August 26, 7:15PM at The Wooden Box

During his visit to Kazakhstan last year, President Xi Jinping laid out his vision for the Silk Road Economic Belt. Since then, speculation has filled the void to try to explain what this means and what the strategic underpinnings of the vision. The reality is that it builds on a long-term strategic approach that China has had towards Central Asia that is founded on theories like the March Westward and the policy of developing Xinjiang. Based on on-the-ground research conducted across Central Asia and China, Raffaello Pantucci, will provide a presentation of what the Silk Road Economic Belt means and how China is reshaping the geopolitical landscape in Central Asia.

* Please note that starting at 6:00pm, there will be a book sale at Wooden Box which include Pulitzer Prize winning, New York Times best selling non-fiction and fiction books, as well as archive copies of the New Yorker and National Geographic magazines.


Raffaello Pantucci is a Senior Research Fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI), a London based think tank where his work looks at, among other things, China’s relations to the West. His work has been featured in pubications like the International Herald Tribune and the Financial Times. He is the co-editor of China in Central Asia and is currently completing a manuscript on China’s relations with Central Asia. He is also the co-founder of Young China Watchersand currently Co-head of the YCW London chapter.


Young China Watchers is a dynamic group of China-focused young professionals with branches in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and London. Through regular speaker series and roundtables with senior figures in the China policy and business communities, it provides a chance for engaged individuals to interact and discuss the most pressing issues emerging from China today. It aims to build a global network, fostering the next generation of China thought-leaders.

This event is also co-sponsored with the Hopkins China Forum, organized by The Johns Hopkins University and its affiliated alumni associations worldwide.

We encourage you to RSVP and arrive early to secure seats.


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