Tea with Kongzi: A Dialogue with Confucius Brought to the Modern Era – Talk with Peter Alatsas | The Bookworm
When and Where
7:30 pm-9:30 pm -
The Bookworm
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Event Details
“Tea with Kongzi: A Dialogue with Confucius Brought to the Modern Era” is a series of discussions, inspired by corruption in leadership, between “Pete” the author and modern-day manager Kongzi (Confucius), the great teacher spanning centuries and cultures.
“Tea with Kongzi: A Dialogue with Confucius Brought to the Modern Era” is a series of discussions, inspired by corruption in leadership, between “Pete” the author and modern-day manager Kongzi (Confucius), the great teacher spanning centuries and cultures.
It is a work of historical fiction based primarily on the Confucian Analects. The aim is to demystify the great thinker’s philosophy while entertaining and explaining in layman’s terms the wisdom of the great sage and the need for reviving his ideas in the modern world.
50RMB, 40RMB (members)