Working Towards Clean Cars and Clear Skies in Los Angeles, Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta
When and Where
9:30 am-11:30 am -
Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania, Ave., NW
Washington D.C.
United States
(get map)

Event Details
Los Angeles is the quintessential horizontal city, the capital of sprawl where car-centric urban development has given the city the reputation as the most polluted urban environment in the United States. Contrast this with Hong Kong, a vertical city that is leading the way in efficient public transit with a system capable of transporting 90 percent of the city’s citizens, yet like its counterparts across the border in the Pearl River Delta (PRD), still struggles to control pollution from vehicles. In some Chinese cities, cars emit more air pollution and greenhouse gasses than coal-fired power plants.
At this October 17 CEF meeting, speakers will explain how cities are confronting the challenges of adapting a transportation system to new concerns for sustainability. Simon Ng will reflect on Los Angeles and Hong Kong’s quests for sustainable mobility and urban livability while also shedding light on the similar challenges Chinese megacities are facing. Zifei Yang will introduce the pioneering vehicle emission control programs that Shenzhen and other PRD cities have instituted to clear the skies.
This event will be on Facebook Live, accessible through CEF’s Facebook Page.
You can register for this event here.